Colloidal Silver Uses – Bacterial 2024-04-03T01:08:30+01:00

Bacterial Infection Treatment with Colloidal Silver

Firstly, as well as being a natural antibiotic, and not synthetic, Colloidal Silver can successfully treat bacterial infections. Colloidal Silver will successfully treat an aerobic bacterial infection as these bacteria thrive in the presence of oxygen.
Colloidal Silver does NOT however have any effect on an anaerobic bacteria infection, as these bacteria thrive in the absence of oxygen. This is both a benefit and a shortcoming, as human gut flora is anaerobic.

Bacterial Infection, Colloidal Silver versus Pharmaceutical

Treating a Bacterial Infection with prescription antibiotics can lead to a whole range of unpleasant side effects such as diarrhoea. In babies, diarrhoea can lead to dehydration making the problem worse. These types of side effects are avoided when treating an aerobic bacterial infection with Colloidal Silver. The shortcoming is that an anaerobic bacterial infection CANNOT be treated with Colloidal Silver.
Let’s examine the facts as to why this is the case.

Treating an Aerobic Bacterial Infection

The presence of Colloidal Silver near aerobic bacteria has been demonstrated to disable its oxygen metabolism enzyme. This effectively asphyxiates the aerobic bacteria and bacterial infection. Within a few minutes, the bacterium suffocates and dies. This is then cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems, urine and faeces.

Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver will leave these tissue-cell enzymes intact. This is because the enzymes within multi-celled organisms are radically different from the enzymes of primitive single-celled life. Thus colloidal silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles and plants suffering from aerobic bacterial infections.

Why can’t an Anaerobic Bacterial Infection be treated?

With anaerobic bacteria colloidal silver cannot interfere with their metabolism. This is due to both their metabolism being different from aerobic bacteria in that anaerobic bacteria thrive in the absence of oxygen and they also have a coating around their external membrane usually referred to as “slime” but which consists mainly of immunoglobulin A (IgA). This is significant as anaerobic bacteria can therefore colonise catheters and so complicate recovery post surgery. The treatment of choice for anaerobic infections is usually metronidazole first line either orally or intravenously if the patient is at a critical stage of their infection.

Common Anaerobic Bacterial Infection Examples
An anaerobic infection is an infection caused by bacteria, called anaerobes, which cannot grow in the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria can infect deep wounds, deep tissues, and internal organs where there is little oxygen. These infections are characterized by abscess formation, foul-smelling pus, and tissue destruction, necrosis. Hence some classic examples of anaerobic infections are:

Appendicitis, Abscess (brain, Peritonsillar, and liver, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Sinusitis, Tetanus, Lemierre’s syndrome, periodontitis and Peritonitis.

Common Aerobic Bacterial Infection Examples
An aerobic infection is an infection caused by aerobic bacteria which can grow in the presence of oxygen.Examples of aerobic infections are:

Chest infections (pneumonia), sinus infections, skin infections in superficial skin injuries (staphylococcus aureus) and indeed MRSA, cellulitis, throat infections (streptococcus pneumoniae), ear infections and eye infections like conjunctivitis.